Aliens, 9 or 10 years old
Aliens, 9 or 10 years old
When I was 9 or 10, I was channel surfing, and I turned on TBS or TNT or something, and Aliens was on.

Now, I had grown up on the Aliens toys, and between my brother and I we had just about every alien toy. Except for the Flying Queen alien. I had the regular Queen, but I never got the flying Queen.

er...[awkward silence]...yeah.

Anyway, I immediately became interested in the movie, because, HOLY SHIT I HAVE THAT TOY!

It was the end of the movie, where Ripley is running away with Newt from the queen and she's just lighting everything up with her flamethrower. I could deal with that.

Then, as everyone who's seen the movie knows, after Ripley gets away and back to her ship, the Queen comes back after stowing away in the landing gear.

However, I had not seen the movie before, and I had a heart attack when the Queen's tail suddenly breaks through Bishop's torso. I saw Bishop get torn in half, and I shut off the TV.

For the next three weeks or so I could not sit down anywhere without looking behind or under me, making sure no Alien tail was going to stab me through the chest. I couldn't even take a bath.

I didn't have the same reaction when I watched the movie last night, but I still felt that fear/anticipation before the Queen's tail went through Bishop.

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