Mark C, 8th Grade
Mark C, 8th Grade
Mark C was this kid that I hung out with in 8th grade during the week. He was a "badass"...if you can call any 8th grader that.

He was adopted by this Jewish family, and I always found it funny when he cursed his parents for making him Jewish. I hung out with him mostly so I could get acceptance from the group of "cool kids" because I didn't fit in anywhere else. Everybody kind of just knew how much of a fuck-up he was. But he was in a few of my classes, and I did almost every project with him. The best part was, that he did his work when he worked with me. It wasn't like the teacher just gave us a good grade because I was working with C; he actually did his work. It was great.

I used to go hang at his house sometimes. I really don't know why he let me hang out with him, especially because I was super no-drugs-and-wear-a-helmet-when-you-ride-your-bike-boy.

I would usually make skate videos for him and his friends. He built this skate park next to his house, which consisted of a bunch of makeshift wooden ramps and cinderblocks. The mexican landscapers who owned the building next to his made him take it down though.

Even though he was kind of a troublemaker, I still had some of the best times with him. Everyone's seen the video I made with him when "Jackass" had just come out. (Everyone got their videocameras out back then.) We had him jump off his porch into a bunch of trashcans, and then we made him break one of his skateboards. You had to see it.

One time, he just took this container of yogurt (no, really, a fucking huge bucket of yogurt). We ran out into his backyard when he saw a car coming down the road in front of his house, and he just hucked this yogurt container over the roof. It landed in the middle of the road, and it was fucking great. He shook up soda-cans all the time and made them explode.

I also filmed him making that video where he calls a girl who was known for being slutty in 8th grade and leaves a message on her machine, saying she's pregnant. Not too funny when you think about it, but you had to be there.

One time he had this kid Giovanni over, who was just getting into doing pot. We were sitting in Mark's living room and Giovanni busts out this bag of pot, and tears out a page of the telephone book. I kind of looked at him and said, "You're not going to smoke that in here, are you?" He said no, and rolled it anyway, but then he went out to this tent in Mark's backyard filled with grahm crackers and juice and he smoked it. That was the first time I'd ever seen anybody really high. He came back inside a half hour later and was just saying "Ahhhh" and he went into Mark's parent's bedroom and he sat on the bed, and he reeked, so Mark ran and got some Lysol. Giovanni heard some noise under the bed so he started freaking out, and he found the dog under their and started running around screaming, all while Mark was spraying him with Lysol.

Then one time, Mark took this egg and hucked it at a bridge that was behind his house. He missed the windshield of the moving truck he was aiming for, but he hit the tailight. This caused the egg to splatter all over the windshield of the car behind the truck. We stayed in Mark's living room when we saw a police car coming by, ducking out of sight from the windows. Sometimes my dad would drive by when I was hanging out there (he never trusted me) and just stay parked out in the front yard for awhile, and then drive off.

Then this other time, he keyed a car. We were walking back from the Ropes Course during Project Adventure, and Mark just picked up this rock and ran it along the side of this BMW for no reason.

The next day, the police called my house and asked me to testify at the police station, which I did. My principal, Dr. Landm an, called me to his office and made me tell the whole situation. It's funny, the only time I ever got into legal trouble as a result of C was when I was trying to not hang out with him.

He eventually got kicked out of Project Adventure class, when Mr. Brown said (I remember this clearly), "Get out of here, Mark. I can't deal with you. You lie, you cheat, you steal." And Mark walked out of the class mumbling "I didn't steal..."

I think it's good that I got all this out in one entry. It's too much to waste other entries on, and there's really no point in writing about a kid that's now in jail.

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