"Shove It," 4th Grade
"Shove It," 4th Grade
4th grade...fun times.

I had just seen the Simpsons for one of the first times. It was the one when Lisa gets all badass. I watched her on TV say "Shove it," to Principal Skinner.

Obviously, this was the coolest thing to say in the world. So at the first opportunity that came along (which happened to be at an indoor recess I think) I said, in the exact same tone as Lisa, calm and cool, "Shove it."

I immediately figured that I'd said it too loud. My teacher, on the opposite side of the classroom just glared at me, but only after I'd made eye contact with her to see if she'd heard.

I don't think I'll ever know if she heard me. She never reprimanded me about it, but she could've just let it slide.

Damn, I was so badass.

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